Monday, September 7, 2015

It was great seeing so many parents at curriculum night! Thanks for coming out and finding out more about what goes on in our classroom.

IMPORTANT DATES: Singapore Night is September 17th from 6:30-7:30. Spalding Night is September 22nd from 6:30-8. Come on out to gain a better understanding of these 2 essential subjects.

We will be learning phonograms 55-72 this week. Please make sure your child is reviewing them each night. We will also begin our cursive instruction this week.

In Language Arts, we have been memorizing pronouns and on Thursday we will have a quiz on them. We will also analyze a poem and continue making summaries and taking dictation this week.

We continue multiples and factors in math. They seem to really grasp this well which is good because we have an assessment on it on Friday. Knowing their math facts is integral for the children to build upon what they already know. There are many computer math drill games that can help in this area. One strategy I’ve used with my children is they must do 10-15 minutes of drill before they can play a computer game.

We are continuing in meteorology with atmosphere, air masses and weather fronts. While in geography, we will finish our study of mountains with an assessment on Thursday.

Last Friday, we finished chapter 15 in The Wizard of Oz. We will work on a review and study guide on Tuesday in preparation for an assessment on Chapters 8-15 on Wednesday.

I hope you all had a great 3-day weekend! I enjoyed spending time with my family.

Unfortunately, since Saturday, I have not been able to get into my school email. This has caused me some anxiety because I want to keep the lines of communication open and this is the easiest way. I hope to remedy this problem ASAP but until then if you need to contact me, my extension at school is 207 and you can leave a note in the “take home” folder or agenda.

Please clear out the “keep at home” side of the “take home” folder each day and check and sign the agenda everyday as well!

Thank you so much for the boxes of tissues and wipes. Supplies are always greatly appreciated!