Sunday, November 6, 2016

4A parents:

I feel like this quarter is flying by. It is packed with a lot of things. 

Important dates:

No school on Friday, November 11 due to Veteran's Day

Fall Concert: November 17th 

A Note From the Music Teachers: Concert Attendance

**Attendance at the upcoming Music Concert is MANDATORY. Please remember that students are expected to stay for the entire concert performance. Students' Participation grades for the semester are pending upon them staying for the entire performance. Teachers will not sign a student out until the very end of the concert. If a student is signed out early from the concert, they will receive a deduction in their Participation grade in Music for the semester.**

Academics for the week:
The final Prince Caspian test will be on Tuesday. The chemistry test will be on Friday. The students have their study guides. We will only have 20 spelling words this week : )

We will start Robin Hood on Wednesday. Please have the proper book (as shown in the left margin). 

We will conduct our spelling bee the week of the 14th. There is a resource link on the right side bar.

Please help your student keep up with memorizing "Paul Revere's Ride". 

Remember your student can correct any test for understanding and more points!

Have a great week,
Mrs. Gore