Sunday, October 30, 2016

4A Parents:

Our class won a Popsicle party because we collected the most box tops in 4th grade! Let's keep collecting them so we can have another one : )

So many students dressed up for Literature Day and they had some great costumes! It was fun to watch them get in character.

Thank you to all who participated in the Read-A-Thon. Our class raised over $1,000!! As a result, many of the students will be able to participate in sock day, crazy hair day, and a kick ball game. 

Important Dates:
Fall Concert - Thursday, November 17th - This is mandatory.

  • We are collecting empty, small food cardboard boxes (like mac and cheese and cracker boxes). They will be used by the PSO to make decorations for the Fall Concert.
  • The fourth grade is collecting stuffing for our school-wide food drive.
The students will be having a spelling bee and the top finishers in class will compete for the school and continue on from there. A study list is available as a link under Resources in the side bar.

We will have a test in Middle Ages on Wednesday, and on Friday there will be a math and spelling test.

We will be finishing up Prince Caspian on Friday and the test will be at the beginning of the next week. Our next book will be Robin Hood.

Thank you for entrusting your wonderful students to me, I appreciate all you do at home that helps them to be such good scholars in class!