Sunday, November 27, 2016

Dear 4A:

I hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving! I had a restful and happy time with friends and family and I was reminded of how thankful I am for each of you and your children!

This week we will start a unit on Chinese history and a unit on measurement in math. We will continue in Robin Hood in literature and electricity in science. Please have your child bring in a D cell or 9-volt battery. 

**Please continue helping your child memorize "Paul Revere's Ride". I'm encouraging each student to put in 10 minutes a day. I would like them to have it memorized by the time we go on winter break, so they can just work on the presentation and hopefully give you a break, too.**

The administration has begun a new policy. If your child has missing work, you will get an email from Jupiter (our electronic grading system) once a week. Please encourage your child to make up any missing assignments. Let me know if you have any questions or if you need anything clarified.

Once again, thank you for entrusting your precious child with me!
Mrs. Gore