Monday, April 25, 2016

Monday, April 25th is the last day to purchase a yearbook.
They are $25.00
Here is the link

Mandatory Spring Music Concert - 3rd-5th Grade
When - Thursday, April 28th at 7 PM
Where - Archway Lincoln Gym
Call Time - 6:30 PM (All students should report to their classrooms)
Please visit Ms. Blasi’s blog if you have any questions

On Friday, in math, we will have a quiz on graphs.

We will continue learning the components of blood, functions of the liver and spleen, and heart disease in science.

The students will pick a Revolutionary War figure to write a report about. This is a long term project and they will need to have at least one library book about their figure. The library book must be brought to school on May 2. The fourth grade teachers will be at the Chandler Public library (downtown) on Saturday April 30th to help the students and parents pick out books. Times to follow during the week.

I’m looking forward to seeing everyone at the music concert : )