Sunday, May 8, 2016

Dear parents and students of 4A,

I want to give each of you a very hardy THANKS! You have made me feel so much appreciated and I have been blessed to have each and every one of you in my class. It has also been a blessing to get to know all the parents, as well.

I want to especially thank Mrs. Smith for her dedicated service to our class. She has put in many hours in volunteering and coordinating and I am very grateful for her service.

As we wind down the year, I want to encourage you to help your child finish strong. We still have a lot of academics left. We will be going strong all the way up to May 27th. The final week will include presentations for the history project and tests.

I’ve noticed the students are getting chattier as the end draws near and I will be reiterating the expectation of not interrupting and the need to raise hands to comment or question, again this week. There may be some extra writing until this calms down again.

We will be doing our final Galileo testing Monday.

There is a quiz on Chapters 9-16 of Carry On, Mr. Bowditch on Tuesday.

We will work on outlining the 5 paragraph essay for their Revolutionary War person and they will begin their rough draft at the end of the week. They should have enough information on their index cards to start outlining on Monday.

In math, we will continue learning about volume.

We will also continue studying the Respiratory System in science.

Thank you for entrusting your child to me, I take the responsibility seriously.
It is also a joy : )