Monday, April 4, 2016

Important Dates: AZ Merit - Writing April 7th, Reading and Math Day 1 April 12th and Day 2 April 14th.

Please make sure your child has a good night sleep, a good breakfast, and comes to school on time so we can start at 8:15. They will have breaks for snack and recess between testing on those days.

Mandatory Spring Music Concert -

3rd-5th Grade
When - Thursday, April 28th at 7 PM
Where - Archway Lincoln Gym
Call Time - 6:30 PM (All students should report to their classrooms)
Please visit Ms. Blasi’s blog if you have any questions

This week in math we will continue our unit on geometry. This week we will focus on triangles and lines of symmetry.  

We will have our science test on Friday. This will finish off our unit on plants.

For Language Arts, we are learning outlining and finding the main points in different types of texts.

We’ve been writing a log for each chapter in Carry On, Mr. Bowditch as we read and discuss the main points.

Please do not send sugary snacks for snack time. 
Thank you for the tissues and band aids! Tissues are always welcome : )

Please clear out the take-home folder. Your student can clear out all papers pertaining to Prince Caspian, Poetry, Drama, AZ History, Chemistry, Magnetism and Electricity : )