Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Dear 4A Parents,

Here's some more information about field day:

Archway Athletic Olympic Field Day will be held on Thursday March 8.
K-2nd  8:25 am-11:10 am  
3rd-5th   12:00 noon-2:45 pm

Students must pack a lunch for school that day as hot lunch will NOT be offered. Students will also be permitted to wear athletic clothing to school that day. Just as Archway provides guidelines for dress code in the classroom, it is important to project the image in our athletic attire also. Please refer to the Family Handbook for guidelines.

Each class has a team color and name (4A's color is white and name is Thebes), so students are encouraged to wear their class colors to represent their section. 

As always we are looking for volunteers to help organize and facilitate the athletic events. PSO is handling this with a sign-up list (see the PSO link in right-hand margin). Volunteers must remain at the station they sign up for during the entire time, and must be fingerprinted.

Please email Coach H with any questions or concerns:

Thank you