Sunday, February 26, 2017

Dear 4A Parents:

Our class won a pizza party because of our awesome parents! Ms. Walls class and our class tied for most tax credit donations. Thank You!

  • There aren't any important dates to share for this week. We do have a full week of academics, though.

Our second science test in Meteorology will be on Tuesday. The students should have their study guides filled out so we can go over it tomorrow in class. There will be a math assessment on Thursday. It will cover what they have been learning about decimals. We finish Wizard of Oz this week. We will have an in-class essay as the final assessment for the book on Friday. On Thursday, we will do a pre-writing for the essay and they will take it home to refine for homework. There is a potential AZ history test on Friday. If it isn't on Friday it will be on the following Monday.

As we near the end of this quarter, please encourage your child to continue to to finish their homework and to do it well. Make sure you are looking in your child's take-home folder for their returned and graded work. Remember, I want them to correct any graded papers and return them so they understand what they got wrong.

We are running out of tissue again : ( Any boxes would be appreciated.

Have a good week,
Mrs. Gore