Monday, October 5, 2015

We are gearing up for the final week of the first quarter. I’ve been so impressed with how we’ve grown together as a class and am looking forward to the next 9 weeks. I have set up a volunteerspot link for you to sign up for Parent/Teacher conferences. It’s .

In Language Arts, the students seem to like diagramming sentences and are looking forward to more challenging ones. They also enjoy coming up with derivatives for our Latin root words.

We have a spelling and phonogram test on Friday.

In math, we will study estimation in problem solving. We will focus on division this week. We continue to incorporate the model method of teaching into each lesson. Knowing their math facts is integral for the children to build upon what they already know. Please review multiplication facts regularly with your child.

We will study the Scientific Method this week in Science using experiments to get some hands-on knowledge about what it means.

We finish up Pollyanna with a quiz on Friday on chapters 16-end. There have been some twists and turns and it’s been fun predicting what will happen. When we come back from break, we will begin Robin Hood. It will be sad to leave Pollyanna but exciting times are around the corner.

We have a quiz on Chapters 1-5 in History on Thursday. The students have been working on their study guide and should have it all filled out.

I have begun tutoring after school on Tuesdays from 3:45-4:45. If you are interested, you must sign up on sign up genius (the link is provided below) with the child’s name and the specific topic you would like him/her to be tutored in. This way we can prepare meaningful sessions with the child. This is not a homework session but a time where we can work individually or in small groups on a concept the student is struggling with.

We are collecting box tops!!!

Please clear out the “take home” folder as well as the Language Arts and History folders.