Sunday, March 12, 2017

Dear 4A Parents:

We made it to the last week of the quarter. Please encourage your child to finish strong!

  • Friday will be an early release day so please make arrangements to pick up your child by 12:40.
  • Spring Break - March 20-24

**Please read this following information from our music teacher, Ms. Blasi:

Our Spring Music Concert is fast approaching. Please save the date!

Thursday, April 27th

K-2nd Grade - 5:30-6:15 PM
3rd-5th Grade - 6:30-7:30 PM

Both concerts will be held in the Lincoln Gym. Your student brought home a letter with important information on concert details and concert attire. This letter can also be found on my blog.

At the concert this April, we will be doing an eye glass drive in partnership with the Chandler Chapter of the Lion's Club. We will be collecting used eye glasses for those in need. Please start looking for old eye glasses you have around the house that you might want to donate. The eye glasses can be for both children and adults. A flyer with more information on this outreach opportunity will be going home with students before Spring Break. 
Please feel free to e-mail me with any questions you have! I look forward to seeing you at our Spring Concert!

Ms. Blasi
3rd-5th Grade Music Teacher

Our academics this week:

We have our final meteorology test on Tuesday. The students got their study guide on Friday and had time to begin filling it out. It should be completely filled out my Monday.

Friday will be a busy day with a history and spelling test. The students will also be reciting their poem.

Please make sure to have the next literature book, Carry On, Mr. Bowditch, by Monday March, 27th. Make sure you get the same one that is shown in the margin.

I hope you have a pleasant week!
Mrs. Gore